I question the effectiveness of that. Not saying that a pan wouldn’t be helpful, but consider….. if you blow a hole in the bottom of your engine and oil is spewing out at 100+ mph…. Where’s it going to go! I don’t see a pan capturing and containing that at speed due to the air flow/turbulence under the car. My biggest concern is the loss of control like in this instance due to the cloud of oil under the car. I think that the idea that a pan is going to keep oil off the rear tires at speed is wishful thinking. I think what it will do is contain what’s running out once the car slows down and stops. That is going to reduce the cleanup and the chance of a fire where the car sits there feeding a oil fire underneath. I’ve seen that happen where it burned to a total loss. My thoughts are that a ballistic diaper is purposely designed to keep everything contained. I get the argument that it’s not for a daily driver street cars that are driven in the rain. That would just be no good, so I agree it’s for fair weather drivers only. Most serious track performing car probably fit in that category anyway. Considering a pan with the same type of oil absorbent material in it…… How’s that going to work in the rain either? The other argument is oil changes being a issue. Pssst 🙄. Once installed, the diaper is held in place with quick release buckles that when released, it can be pulled out of the way of the drain plug in a minute. OMG 😱. I have one of these and I bet I can access the drain plug in less time then you can remove the pan. Anyway…. I’m not saying that a well designed pan is a bad idea. It can give you some improved aero under the car and I would love to see one available that would change my mind on it being less effective than the diaper and make me want one. Who knows….. the shop I’m in now does some nice custom fab work. Maybe I’ll talk them into producing a marketable aero oil containment device 😎