From what ive discovered:
Stock Front Rotor: 31 lbs.
Stock Rear Rotor: 24 lbs.
110 lbs. of rotating mass.
Demon Performance Front Rotor: 24 lbs. (7 lb Difference vs. Stock)
Demon performance Rear Rotor: 19 lbs. (5 lb Difference vs. Stock).
86 lbs of rotating mass.
24 lbs of rotating mass reduced over stock.
Carbon Ceramic Front Rotor: 15 lbs. (16 lb Difference vs. Stock and 9 lb Difference over DP)
Carbon Ceramic Rear Rotor: 12 lbs. (14 lb Difference vs. Stock and 9 lb Difference over DP)
54 lbs of rotating mass. 56 lbs of rotating mass removed over stock
So u can clearly see the weight advantage with carbon vs. the DP rotors is greater than the weight difference between the DP rotors and stock.
Thats about 28 lbs of rotating mass..... Thats a lot. I have the DP rotors on my Trackhawk and Redeye ive done everything I can think of for weight reduction so im considering the carbons now. They seem to be woth the extra money at 28 lbs of rotating mass removed.
Thats about 150 lbs of dead weight removed. Of course its not the first thing I would do to remove weight its clearly the LAST thing ppl should do imo but considering stocks weigh TWICE as much its a good mod imo.
I just put them on my Redeye and the car clearly leaves harder from a roll now. Thats fact. Also brakes better and handles bette. Put them on Trackhawk as soon as I bought so I compare the two there. My Turbo Mustang has em as well.
You loose a significant amount of unsprung weight just with the DP rotors (made by Girodisc). The additional amount WTF ever it is will not be worth over $13k!! I use them and they are rock solid and tough. If you have a Porsche WITHOUT the dumb ceramics, you have the very same rotors!