Hay it happens and der knot only 2 me? Linder story. Wile waz wurken and liven in NC and fart time liven in Chattanooga, married of sorts. Hated it.Why eye hab bean engaged 7 times, whoose countin. I lived and worked in da Rabun Gap, NC wit da modle frum Tampa, Fl. I lived in Seminole, Fl 25 miles da utter side of de pond. Butt damn close. SHE OWNED a 55 Chevy frum Presley's ptovet collection. She did. Sold her 63 split winder non matching #s fer it. Axtremely rare, 2 youz Vette persuns. Split winder 1 thang, butt non matchen #s, anothers. Non vette peoples speach upster. Linda Abbey her name wit coucin a modle also. Annota story, dudes only fer tits 1. She made a fortune off uv dis car. I lived at her house, collected peurr dem $$ and pay, plus truck and car. Tis gal waz anotta out of Playboy. I stole her frum a pipe ass hole steam fittah. Dumb ass. Tuuck her at age 23 she waz 38 and luked 22. Groin baak hume 2 a modle frum a horse farm livin wit da modle in 19o8 wit annada modle. havin sex,, well knot enough, butt havin a great time. Runnin a grew of insulators, pipe fitters, welders and?? Wait till ya hear about tha crew of 22 ears ole I had wukin fer me in Saint Lake Alike Suare Golf and Tennis Club. Day ware waring bikinis wurken on da roof on A/C ductorrk. Painten and da spreaden the cheeks at 22 and din crack coke. Not bought by meee. Buy dee crack dudes while I waz ceein de golf cart gal a nd fee on say #2. Butt, I waz writen da cheeks. Rainen like a whore hea and groin to pick up my 52 each pistols at Fee on Says #7 house wit my cat in volved. A story Linder? Now cums dee snow story wit da uttah story of Rabun Gap, NC and Flee on Say #7. Guns.