On my way down the highway through a construction zone about 75 in a 65, I see a state cop all alone with his flashers on. I slow to maybe 71, V1 alerts, and I see in the rear view a dust cloud behind the statie. I continue about 70 and he hangs back, V1 is going nuts. Couple min later I near my exit and try to get into the right land and the statie is screaming down the right lane. Had to wait and let him pass before I could exit.
5 min later on a state road, I pull out and the car in front is going very slow. The next guy coming behind me didn’t like the slow traffic and tailgates in his POS car! I let him calm a bit, and wait until there is no oncoming traffic and I signal, slow and pull to the right to let him pass. Half mile later he turns off!
15 min later, strangest thing, was driving a backroad shortcut in the most densely part of the state, cop Explorer goes by the other way, can’t see shot through the tinted glass, but just as he passes, to my great surprise, I see a thumb up on the dashboard! Not what I expected!
On the way home, on the small highway, usually the sane part of the state, a woman in a ratty 2000 Silverado screams up on my ass as I am passing a fuel tractor trailer on cruise at 72. She is waving her hands moving her head like Linda Blair, and when I get in front of the truck and start to pull over, she can’t wait and starts passing on the left shoulder!!!
I really just want to drive and be left alone, WTF is going on these days! This ain’t CA or NJ, THIS IS NH!!!!