Like Tony told Czervik (Rodney Dangerfield), "I'm actually a rich millionaire". I have my people rent the track for me.
They had 27 people sign up (30 is the max), I don't know how many showed up but unlike street nights, most were serious racers, very few street cars.Several cars did maybe a couple runs and spent most of their time working on the cars/bikes. I think a few did 1 run and did not do another. 3 hours with 27 cars most being tinkered with.
They prepped the track for us, no significant spinning. When I left, the street night crowd was waiting at the closed gate. They get the sloppy seconds of whatever track prep is left. Then the temp drops and dew starts.
Street nights is cheap, and great if you are just trying to show your buddy that you car is faster, but having the time, comfort, and good track prep to learn and try different things, it was well worth it! Now I need to wait until next spring, unless I move to FL...