I am talking about the dividend. Not the share price. The payout ratio is conservative so I expect they will maintain it, once again because 75% is held by insiders and large institutions. Also they will not go bankrupt unless the statistics are being posted wrong. They have more cash than they have debt. I am not worried whatsoever. Every negative thing that could possibly be said has been said by forum members and I have never agreed with you all. I like the Hornet and I like the Charger. Personally I would buy a Hurricane powered one if I chose to go that way.......I also like the Rams and Jeeps, a lot. BTW I am already in the money, just in case you guys did not notice........
I will assume you know what you are doing. In this case I would worry about the current (today's) listed Div & Yield at 12.14%. In my experience, investors need to be aware that dividend % is an indicator based on past div and current market price, two different time points. When a stock falls, the listed D&Y rises, until the next div is paid. Last div was on $1.65 on 4/22/24 and the stock price was $24.58 which is 6.7%, which sounds ok until you realize the stock price has collapsed 44% since then. Not an investment I would make.
I looked seriously into RAM 1500's and 2500's, I bought a Ford. The 1500's were eTroque only (NO THANKS!!!) and the 2500 was awful on the test drive. I bought a '24 Wrangler, and I hate it. I can go on for 1000 words about that.
I do not mean to steer you away from your plan, I just want to comment that I do not understand it. Perhaps you have a lot of knowledge I do not. I hope it works for you.