Like to see um do one on the Grand Canyon of the Tennessee River, or Rt US 19 Clw, Fl. Last ticket there was last year,,,, story,,,. I waz doing 160 in 4th State Trooper got me even though. I was using a Dectector that pics up em all and scrambles instant on. Kinda illegal in our state, but cents I am in my own state of mind, state of confusion, who knows but me? He wrote me up for 55 over. Oh boy. Court, insurance, points, school, ect for 1 misconception. I got a letter from the office of Fla Dept- US States of Attourney and thought, oh shit. It stated I would be receiving a letter from his office and not to go to court. I didn't, got the hand written letter from the States Attourney himself. Mr Dumbass, it said, I am going to hold all illegal charges against you sense it must have been a maintenance issue on your Hell Cat. No court, no ticket, no insurance, no points,,, nuttin. He signed it and oooeeee. 140 in a 55 could have been disassterous. I framed the letter. He must have or has or relative owns a HC and he has personell ties to one.