It was a fun Sunday. Got some good passes. Big shout out to Marc with helping out on Saturday with my pulley swap, then helping me get tires swapped and some HP tuner help Sunday morning. Wouldn’t have been the same trip without you bud.
John thanks also for helping out with another pulley swap and just being generally awesome and helpful.
Ken as always a pleasure. Your red eye ran awesome. I know you wanted more out of it but there wasn’t another stock redeye that was more than a mph off of you. You did great. And the body work looks great on the car, paint matched as well.
Andy, awesome time man. That last race was badass. Photo finish and you nailed a personal best 1/2 mile against me! I’m honored. We gotta keep racing, that was to much fun. See you Wednesday.
And to some others I met as well, good meeting you all.
Great to meet several of you! Phillip, Ken, Marc et al!!! Fun day and boy did I learn a thing or two about tires and launching. 154.85 was best showing with my Redeye and I owe the extra mph’s to Curt! Hope to see you all again! -Rico
Like wise it was fun Rico. Nice meeting you briefly. Your car is amazing.