Discovery are whores. When I went to Columbus for NPK last was crazy-hot, without clouds. Obviously, there is no shade at a dragstrip. I was actually watching people waiting to get shade from light-posts. It was brutal.
Anyways, when we entered "early" [very early], I was able to get access to the tower. I asked about handicap transportation for the weak, disabled, and elderly. The people from the track said there was no karts for anybody, except the Discovery crew. They had them all, and wouldn't pay for additional karts to help the public. We saw so many people struggling to really not be sick from the sun/heat. Elderly, disabled, people limping and struggling to get anywhere....while all the young TV people were riding around on the karts, mostly doing nothing. They would not stop to help people in need. They just drove by and acted like struggling people weren't there. I started getting shitty with the Discovery people, and they kept passing the buck and getting shittier with every question I directed to them. I'd never consider attending again. I had credentials for Oct in Mi......and threw them away.