Why you gotta be like that???
Well I don't remember that being on any Mopar literature, but maybe? Well what is 'anthracite' anyway? mumble mumble mumble... I'll go find it on the web, stupid people, making me look up words and shyt... Words are hard god damn it...
Anthracite is the 3M product that looks like carbon fiber, I have not compared them side by side but it is what I considered putting on Sinamon Stick. I was able to buy a 3" x 5" sample on Amazon but they are no longer available. I'll post photos next time I have the car out.
BTW: If you are using aftermarket material, be very aware that textured material can be a problem. The normal material width is 60", but the roof of a Challenger is about 62 or 63". This is not a prob with solid colors but carbon fiber looks best when the pattern of the left is a mirror of the right. This forces you to make one strip from the material lengthwise, and the other stripe widthwise, which requires you to carefully stretch the material 2-3" when you apply it to the roof. Frosty did it and it worked well.
Now you can wonder why I gotta be like that and cause so much trouble. Maybe Bull was right...