After coming back from my record setting pass, I had to quickly turn the car around for the final around and that included checking everything that I could including catch cans, a couple fresh plugs I put in for reading purposes, logs, coolant pressure, and all the usual stuff like ice, fan to cool the trans down, etc. All while being congratulated. I got help turning the car around for the last round from Chris Baily and his wife and then before heading up, I decided to drink a Red Bull, I probably shouldn’t have, lol.
When it came time to bump in and get on the two step, I forgot to press the button for that + trans brake so I launch through the beams. I let off, then it stalls in front of everyone watching while Casey takes off and runs another 8.1 for the win.
Could it be any more embarrassing? That feeling quickly pass because guess what? I tune for Casey the new TX2K Heavyweight winner, so in a way I still feel like I won too.
Honestly I couldn’t be happier with this outcome. I don’t have to feel guilty about beating a client. I hate that feeling. I’ll take the record for now. It may not live on forever but the memory of doing it with the world watching will.