@DavidKFla I think depending on what ET you will continue to race. Going Faster than 10's then you will have to think about more safety and strength.
5K is what a 9 inch rear cost back in 2015 when John had one installed in his "Top Cat"
I would spend this money for racing 9.50/10.0s
I think The P4D Brace is the "Best Peace of Mind" Part installed on my Hellcat. It's been upgraded. Saving the Diff Box from breaking will help keep your driveshafts and halfshafts safe.
I would also choose AAD parts too. They came later then BMR and wanted to beat the competition with better stronger parts.
Adding parts for safety and strength was highly important to husband when wanting to reach his goal for 8's. It was very difficult back then, because mostly it was all the SOS parts that we had been use to with our prior to the Hellcats SRT8's and racing to the 8's and let me say Racing and Breaking to the 8's.
Dodge built the Hellcats with the knowledge from our MSHS racing group......We gave the Hell and they gave us the Hellcat!
We finally have part vendors that have stepped up to the plate and are coming out with some of the Best "Tested" parts ever for our Modern Hemi cars.