Oh how nice. So glad I hang out here.

This is not drag racing for ten seconds a pop. Sure, say another $40 (two gallons). Say I have five sessions. 5x40=$200 more. On top of say 12 gallons at $5 now = $60; makes each fill-up $100. So I’ll budget $500 for gas. Round numbers.
I already budget $400 a weekend for pads, say $600 for tires (last four days), $400 entry fees, oh and maybe pay Haggerty $500 EACH DAY to insure it, or just take that risk myself. At RA I rent a garage for another $200/day, weekend is $400. Does not include the budget for replacement rotors about every two years, if your lucky. Brake fluid bleeds (my racing fluid is just under $100/bottle), my time for changing all the equipment from street-track-street. How about hotel, transportation costs at 12 mpg to tow, meals? My trailer costs $1,200/yr to store. I could and should just sell it now.
Thanks, Speedy! I may never need to use my Hellcat on the course again!! That broke the proverbial camels back. I know a few years ago, I could rent a Ford Spec racer for about $1,500 each day, all in, delivered to the track, maintained, insured, fueled etc. Since I have a SCCA racing license certification, I’ll just literally race with that now! Drive the RE to the track and just enjoy it, and never jeopardize it mechanically again. Wow what a concept. I am not being sarcastic.