Yep, after thinking about it a bit and with what Geoff has advised, I have a plan to try and I will see how it works out. There is going to be a lot of related work than just swapping the covers that will take me time going slow, because I am going to try and make things look good and not a total hack job. I already have seen there is one stinking wire on the left side that runs with the coil harness that goes all the way to the front for the A/C comp (I think) and has to stay where it is, so I am going to have to carefully cut all the OEM Tesa tape from front to back to get the coil wires out at the branch at the rear so I can move 'em up. Haven't even started on the right side yet - gotta get the cowl and all the other shyt out of the way first...and yes, the PS pump is the biggest risk I see - I sort of went out on a limb to get these covers while they are "on sale" - price is going up $50 on March 1. From visual comparison, they look like they SHOULD clear, but if not, then I have a bigger challenge to deal with that I was hoping to avoid.